Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Chuckle

Both of my parents worked while I was growing up so I would stay at daycare after school. I loved daycare. One of my favorite memories of all time happened at daycare. If I say daycare one more time this blog will be officially obnoxious.
We were divided into two groups at my...aggg...daycare. The older kids made up one group and we, the younger kids, made up the second. I know, creative way to divide yourselves. Us younger chaps had the job of being tortured by the older kids. We actually didn't mind it too much, it was fun pissing them off and then running away, but I was fat so I could never run very fast, or very far.
My favorite memory happened one afternoon during a rousing game of kickball. Of course the teams were divided according to our age. We knew going into it that we were supposed to be destroyed, and we were. There was this one kid on our team, BJ, he was the smallest in our group and recieved most of the punishment. You could see the look on his face this day, he looked checked out. Kinda like Squintz Paladores in the Sandlot, when he's finally had enough of waiting and decides to go get Wendy Pefercorn. BJ had had enough. He was going to do something about these older brutes. He was playing third base when this moment occured. One of the butt munches from the other team smashed the ball over the fence for a homerun and was making his way around the bases laughing at us like he was somebody. I mean come on...the score was like 56 to nothing. As he was headed toward third base, BJ moved into action. Our bases were those giant orange cones and just when the dirtbag was about to tag it BJ picked it up and....ran. I mean ran like a crazy man. He reminded me of the Jesus lizard from National Geographic that could run across the water...yeah that was BJ with a big orange cone. In a matter of seconds the entire older team was chasing him. Everytime I picture this in my head I chuckle. BJ running for his life carrying a big orange cone, knowing full well he was going to be punished for this, but loving every minute of it. Life is good.


Anonymous said...

i'm enjoying these daily updates...

Megan said...

you must learn to put links on your page. i have a system of going to people's blogs because i know who has who on their links...but you are always the last one i check bc you have no links to anyone else on your page!!!!! learn to be internet-savvy my friend!!!

i miss you nich!!!