Monday, November 17, 2008

Round On the Sides, High In the Middle

I thought I would send out an update for all of my adoring fans. (Please understand the sarcasm!) This is my first official blog from the state of Ohio where I am currently watching snow fall outside of my window. 

For those of you who haven’t heard, I accepted the position of High School Director for Ginghamsburg Church just outside of Dayton, Ohio. It is historically a Methodist Church, but it honestly doesn’t look much like any Methodist Church I have ever seen. It does, however, carry the same passion as John Wesley to see the world changed by the Gospel, and for that I am honored to be a part of this church.

So far things are great! I am really excited to see what God is going to do here and I am learning a lot. For one, most of my life I’ve been a bit of a dreamer…yeah, shocking I know, but I am now in a place where I can see vision become reality. After all, potential will always stay potential unless something is done with it.

I am currently looking back over the most dynamic year of my life. Trying to describe with words the distance covered and the change that has taken place is somewhat of an overwhelming task. If you don’t keep a journal I highly recommend that you do. It’s a great thing to have written proof of God’s work in your life. I am not the person that I was a year ago and I am incredibly grateful for it. 

If I had to use one word to offer a taste of the movement I’ve seen, it would probably be contentment. This is an awfully tough lesson to learn and it’s one that I don’t think is ever finally reached, but is instead daily decided upon. I don’t think of it in a sense that I am satisfied with what I have done or that I have no desire to see things change, but it’s more of being ok with who I am and where I am at and hopeful that God will do what He wants. 

All of my friends in South Carolina…I miss you terribly. South Carolina definitely got a hold of my heart and all of you Southerners are right when you say that there really is no place like the South. Thank you so much for your support and friendship and I can’t wait to see you again! 

1 comment:

Brandon Clements said...

South Carolina misses you as well, my friend.

Whatever happened to that phone conversation we were supposed to have?...