Sunday, October 07, 2007

Painfully Beautiful

I'm not one to share my personal life on the internet, so pardon the lack of details. The past week has been without question the most painful of my entire life. I've lost something that meant so much to me. I lost her.
I find myself in a strange place. I hurt, but I don't regret. I've discovered that life is this painfully beautiful wreck that somehow wiggles itself into making since when you least expect it. The way I feel now...horrible, but what I see is, in a way, beautiful. It's life. It's real. It's raw. It's messy.
I don't want any of it back. Its all hers to keep. Parts of me will always be hers and I don't want them back. They belong where they are.
Its so great that God has made us people who are capable of sharing our lives with others. The danger is in making this a trivial thing and not respecting the implications it has. But I do praise God that my soul is capable of touching another. Friends, family, loved ones. We don't just co-exist. We can actually share life together, and as painful as that is, it's also incredibly beautiful.


Will and Sarah said...

Thinking about you man. Time will heal the hurt. God's provision will come in time and I find it hard to believe any girl would break up with you.

On another note, we're looking for a Middle School associate at our church. You interested?

RobbieKopp said...

i love you and i miss you.
i'm sorry your hurting, but you are so realistic when looking at the bigger picture and how God tells us to give it away.
the rich young ruler had his money and you have your big heart.
i love you man. i'm going to be more faithful in praying for you.

Anne said...

Hi Nick. Been a long, long time. Just wanted to say hello and let you know that I'm checking in. I'm sorry to hear about your hurt right now. I'll say a prayer for you. Take care!

Kimmie said...

Nick Nick...
you should know... I stalk your blog. .. ok just sometimes, but it's good stuff~
I hope you're allowing yourself to press into how you feel, who you are, and who God is...
Time's an amazing thing, sir... (I've sooooo been there!)
Read Sex God by RBell...
And take care of South Carolina for me!