Monday, October 23, 2006


Call me cheesy, cliche, corny...kinda strange all of these words begin with "c"..., but my amazing girlfriend (Amanda Lane) and I drove to the mountains this past Saturday to watch the sunset. Our destination was a spot known as "Pretty Place", no seriously. The place was definitely pretty, and came complete with a cross and plaques offering insightful poetry. Amanda and I noticed that for some reason it felt necessary to whisper. We weren't the only ones, but as we sat there looking at the breath-taking view, everyone was whispering. It was almost as if anything more than a whisper would cause the beauty to vanish. When I think back I see a trend, perhaps an unspoken rule that when ever I am before beauty, greatness I must whisper. Why is that? Perhaps it is from recognizing my place. That there are things out there bigger, greater than me. Maybe its because too many words can ruin the experience. Or maybe its because silence is our way of paying tribute to that which is greater than us.
Regardless of why, it just feels right. So God, I offer you not only words of praise, but also the beauty of silence for You...are...great.

1 comment:

Trevormiller said...

true... true (very quietly)