Thursday, October 19, 2006


I don't where my obsession with the imagination comes from, but as far back as I can remember a good portion of my life has been spent lost in an imaginary world where I more often than not vanquish an evil villain and save the day. If I'm honest I'll admit to you that I played with GI Joes until...well lets just say I was old enough to legally be one before I retired them in the shoe box underneath my bed. I just love the ability to create whatever I want, be whatever I want, and do whatever I want. I determine what is real, I choose how things are.
I have nothing but respect for people who have mastered their own imagination. People like C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Tolkien has actually created an entire world out of his mind. This world is complete with history and language, its almost too much for me to handle. The imagination is the escape for the human heart, in fact its where our dreams are able to stretch their legs and walk around for a bit.
I guess I say all of this because when I'm confronted with the products of God's imagination I am floored. Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created..." The Creation that we live in is nothing less than the product of God's imagination, and what really baffles me is that God had nothing to work with. Even the greatest artists, authors, musicians have things to work with. An artist usually paints people, or maybe landscapes. An author, even one who writes fiction, is inspired by actual events, or other stories. Musicians listen to the music of others. But you see God is before anything was. God not only painted the picture, but He crafted the paint, the canvas, the brush...and even art itself. He decided what a tree should look like before there was a tree. It was His idea to put into creation secrets, tendencies, patterns that science now is able to unlock.
Our God is a dreamer, an artist, and we are His masterpiece. In Ephesians chapter two Paul says that as believers we are God's "workmanship." Another definition of this word is "fiction." We are straight out of the imagination of God. When the Almighty decided to make something in His image, something to that would reveal His glory, and be in a relationship with Him, He created man, and woman. He wasn't forced to work with unwanted stuff. He's God. With His limitless resources and infinite power God and His IMAGination created You are no mistake. You are the walking, talking, breathing, singing, dancing, laughing, crying dream come true of our awesome God.


Trevormiller said...

PURE GENIUS... no ice, no additives. Well done.

Andrew Stewart said...

hmm you know how to cut to the core of me nick, i had never really thought of God creating it all out of his own imagination... it's crazy and it means that any idea we have is just mooching off of God's