Friday, October 27, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen...

Here's the thing. Girls...I know guys can be frustrating, but the thing you have to understand is that we are honestly clueless when it comes to your ways and for the most part we don't even know it. I have learned a few things in the past year or two that I can classify as tendencies, differences in the sexes if you will. Allow me to share...

1. have a tendency to read into things way too much, while us fellas tend to not read into them at all. Now yes, there are some guys, myself included, who do always suspect there to be more to the situation than there actually is, but hear me out. If a girl asks a guy a simple yes or no question and he responds with either one, a girl quickly begins asking herself, "what does that mean? why did he say that? did he really mean this? or did he really mean that?" When a girl answers a simple yes or no question she rarely means just yes or no, and guys rarely suspects the hidden deapth of information hidden below the surface answer. But, here's an example of how this principle looks besides the answering of questions. Just the other day some of my small group guys decided it would be funny to put a protien bar, still in its wrapper, on a young ladies car. I have no idea why we would find this funny, but we did. After discovering the protien bar on her car, the young lady stormed into the youth room rather ticked off, and seemingly a little hurt. She asked the young man, who happened to be a relative of hers, why he would do something so mean. He defended himself by pointing out that the protien bar was still in its wrapper. It was quickly noted by another individual that this was no ordinary protien bar, but it was in fact a South Beach Diet bar. GASP! The young lady thought her weight was being insulted when in fact she is the walking definition of everything that is not fat. As you can imagine the young man was clueless of his actions and quickly apologized.

2. The second trend I have noticed in my 23 years has to deal with problem solving. I have learned that just because a woman shares her problems with you doesn't mean she is looking for your advice. Ladies, let me inform you of how the male mind works in this situation. As men, we don't like to necessarily discuss our junk, problems, etc., until we are ready for advice. We tend to wrestle with it in our minds, this is probably why we do not like to ask for directions, until we realize we are unable to fix it. We then will confide in someone for advice. So, when a girl is talking to us about her problems we have a tendency to think that she is looking for advice and step in to help.

Well, in 23 years I have accumulated two tendencies in the female sex. I hope and pray that there will be more insights to offer in the future. Peace!


Andrew Stewart said...

mmm.. the femal psyche... i'll never understand

Megan said...

you are very wise to know that you can not understand the female mind. you are very wise completely aside from that as well. I LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

i feel as if i may have contributed a bit to that one...