Monday, November 20, 2006

I Dare...

I know that I don't have the right to ask in light of the fact that I've been given much, everything in fact, but I stand here boldly and I do...dare to ask.
I ask that I may be this man that You hold out before me. That this is the last time I trade in Your forever for my right now. I want to be used by You to do the impossible. I want to toss mountains in the sea and usher in the very Kingdom of Heaven. I want to shake the dead of this generation awake from their sleep, give life to these concrete statues who have somehow tricked themselves into thinking that this is as good as it gets. I want my life to speak louder and more often than my words. I want to live and I want things to change because of it. Most importantly, I want my motive, my inspiration, my purpose to be You. An encounter with me would be devestatingly You. That I would be a foggy memory, a "scratch your head moment", but that You would be painfully real. That my life would scream You and hush me. I'm far to small to live a life for, but You...You are everything. I'm tired of copping out, giving in, and falling short. I need You, I want You. In then end I stand here before my God, asking. I do not ask because I deserve. Honestly, I can only stand here because of what You have done for me, but...I do dare, I dare to ask, ask to be what You have been forever asking me to be. I dare to dream, dream what You have been forever dreaming of me. I dare to live how You have been forever daring me to live.

1 comment:

Trevormiller said...

Dare my friend... dare.