Sunday, December 03, 2006


I'm really bad at doing this blogg thing consistently. I feel like I need an accountability partner or something. I recently heard Tony Campollo quote Abby...or something like that...Hoffman, and it has changed my life. When he was brought in after the Chicago riots the judge asked him, "So, what happens to all the innocent bystanders because of this revolution you're trying to start in America." Hoffman replied, "In a revolution...the bystanders are never innocent." Wow. God has really been challenging me to not just be someone with ideas, but someone with passion. I want what I believe to be understood by how I live. The word is bleeding so bad in so many places and I sometimes find myself watching...feeling bad, yes. Caring, yes, but too lazy to do anything about it. I'm often able to squirm and eventually convince myself that I do enough. I hide behind what I'm already doing in order to ignore what I should be doing. We are called to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, to be a voice for the voiceless. In the words of Adrian Despres, "God give me the compassion of Jesus when He wept over Jerusalem, but also give me the passion of Jesus when He turned over the money tables in the temple." There are plenty of things that aren't right with the world and if I sit back and do nothing the blood is on my hands. The church cannot not be an innocent bystander, not when God has called us to be the salt and light of the world.